Get Fit

Discipline should be an expression of one’s own will that is pleasant and slowly accustoms oneself to a kind of behavior which one would miss if one stop practicing it.
A common mistake made in starting an exercise program is to believe you have to start at extreme levels and consequently you start fighting yourself at the very beginning. The new energy is pounding you yet you are trying to protect yourself from its intrusion in your life and your comfort zone. Who wins when you fight with yourself? No one! You run out of energy and give up.

You can bring exercise into your life as your friend and the benefits are many times greater than the time invested. Regular exercise can help by lowering your blood pressure, lowering bad cholesterol, improving blood flow, and increasing your heart's working capacity. When combined with proper nutrition it helps to reduce body fat, preserve your muscle strength and improve the body's ability to use calories. By increasing muscle strength and endurance, improving flexibility and posture, regular exercise helps to prevent back pain.

Personally, I have left behind the back and headaches that plagued my younger years, and I feel good. A major benefit is it affects the way we live our life everyday, the psychological effects. Researchers have found that exercise can actually reduce depression and anxiety through resulting natural chemicals created in the brain, helping you to better manage stress. Exercise improves your mood and the way you feel about yourself!

Wanted For Robbery
By Bob Wolf  Attention: Be on the lookout for suspects wanted for robbery. These people have long track records and continue to steal at alarming rates. They aren’t your usual robbers. These particular larcenists rob from themselves. They don’t believe in their own potential and settle for second best. The penalty for this crime: a life of misery. Are you guilty? While you won’t face a jail term, you better believe that there is a price to pay for failing to believe in yourself. The problem is, we don’t want to admit our guilt.
Ask yourself these questions:
  • Why do some of us quickly give our goals and dreams?
  • Do I direct my energy to friends and live vicariously through other people’s lives?
  • Do I quickly five up the idea that I can achieve the kind of body I really want?
An overemphasis on believing in other people and not yourself brings a feeling of shallow reward. You downplay your goals and dreams for a fit body. You go through the motions as others achieve their fitness goals, while denying yourself the same kind of success and happiness.
There comes a point in your life when you have to get off the bandwagon and step out and be a star. Don’t settle for second best at what you do in life. Do the things that would give you a great sense of self-worth!

 Contact me on fitcoachsandy@