Monday, August 6, 2012

Why Do We Do This?

I have been thinking about why we do this, we do we dust our selves off and get back up after Bawhoies?

...Because feeling good is most important to us.  Because we are in tune with that pull to growth and learning.  The later being a double edge sword as that means we are highly sensitive also to our surroundings, and must focus more to know if it us or those around us.  I also think that for must of us, something in life has caused us to need to take control of our consciousness and provide beneficial self talk.  It is similar to what happens to a person who truly follows a 12-step program.  My addiction was the food that I tried to soothe the emotions with, and moving away from that state of being puts you on the road of self growth.  Yes, it is a long road, but that is a good thing.  The road is your life, always going somewhere.  And when a Bawhoie knocks me off, I have gotten much better at returning to my focus and the focus feels even better each time.

Another reason we do this, to give our self kudos, confidence.  Give some praise to yourself today for dusting yourself off and getting back on the road.  :-)

Two things a man should never be angry at: what he can help, and what he cannot help.

-Thomas Fuller

Sunday, August 5, 2012


What was that wave of energy that knocked me off focus!?!  Maybe it was planetary? said; “You'll need everything in your arsenal once Mars squares off with Uranus...." That was followed by the full moon on the 13th, which I know from experience does has an effect on our energies!  

Who knows? Sometimes it is planetary, sometimes it is our own biorhythms, and sometimes it is simply an overload of all the energies in us or around us.  I call it a "Bawhoie", and ultimately, the reason doesn’t matter.  What is important is picking yourself back up. It is a temporary set back! Get this good please; it is not failure unless YOU give up and abandon your goals!

To begin again means that you won't give up.
To begin again means you're trying.
You can either start over and live your life
Or spend the rest of your life slowly dying.

It is never the falling that makes us fail.
It is never the pain or the crying.
You can never fail in life, my friend,
Unless you give up trying.
--Bob Perks

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The main problem with mental notes is the ink fades.

Words cannot convey how very important keeping notes are. I know it, I knew it, and I still did not do it. I said, yes, this is a good idea and I see how beneficial it is, but I kept procrastinating. Luckily, a persistence conscience is one of my blessings. (Sometimes it doesn't feel that way.) First stage was just jotting down thoughts, mostly on posty notes and sometimes on napkins or whatever was available. I put all of them in a box, no dates, no order for the thoughts. Next stage was dating the notes and then adding them to a journal. That is good as the second writing to record them, helps to secure their place the in my subconscious. Now it is expanding into this online journal, driven by the hope that others may also benefit from the things I have learned.

"When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge."
– Tuli Kupferberg

Monday, July 16, 2012

What do you want most?

It has been 30 yrs plus, since I stepped upon this path.  I remember quite well the desperate emotion and calling to the Holy Spirit to guide me.  I moved from the obesity that had been with me since childhood.  It took several attempts, leading to my becoming a personal fitness trainer.  After much time of helping others with physical fitness, I fully understood, the challenge was not really the exercise program.

The challenge was and IS keeping ourselves mentally where we really want to be!

The chief cause of unhappiness and failure is trading what you want most, for what you want now. 
~Zig Ziglar

Friday, July 13, 2012

I Understand

I Understand. Is this phrase used too much, with not enough thought? Does anyone really understand where someone else is coming from without being in their exact shoes? Is being concerned about this looking for problems where there are none? Isn't an attempt to understand sufficient? I know many times I wish I knew I was really understood. I wish we could touch and download the complete essence of our thoughts into our consciousness and know we share true communication. I have a tendency to over explain looking for that depth of understanding. So as to not complicate matters, I am going to write to you knowing that you do understand completely.

I have learned that in doing this, we will have understanding. :-)

We will be understanding, sharing, our daily focus as we forge our path of personal growth. We have moved out of our comfort zone of previous habitual being to follow the calling, and now we have those daily challenges as we keep our goals in mind.

"Freedom is a state of mind - not freedom from something" ~Krishnamurti