Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I've Got a Never Ending New Year's Day for You ...

Happy New Year and Kudos to all who are focusing for another shot at your goals!

What is a Never Ending New Year? It is knowing that " This thing we call failure is not the falling down, but the staying down -Mary Pickford".  It is life, and we find the joy in the journey. We aim for our goals, sometimes we fall short of the target, but we take what we learned from our last shot and aim again. Feeling better each time, yes, really you do. :-)

Moving to a new habitual state of being takes focus, and it takes trial and error. The majority of the folks you see singing the praises of physical fitness have been in that state for most of the beginning of their life, and when they attempt to "step it up" it usually goes by the wayside just as many other people's goals and desires. I have seen that scenario over and over in the gym. I am not saying anything negative regarding their efforts, I only want to note the experience that I have which helped to form my point of view. Changing habitual patterns takes a big reason why!

Although I have maintained the majority of my weight loss, being able to stay at my leanest has not happened. I have kept a steady fitness progression, but I have always fell back to more fat than I wanted to. Since my last move, and working in an office job instead of the gym, my time training has decreased and my fat has increased even more. I have been disappointed with myself.

To my family, friends, clients, in allowing myself to continue to be less than the person I want to be, I also let you down.  I am making a New Years commitment, that will change now.

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