Monday, August 6, 2012

Why Do We Do This?

I have been thinking about why we do this, we do we dust our selves off and get back up after Bawhoies?

...Because feeling good is most important to us.  Because we are in tune with that pull to growth and learning.  The later being a double edge sword as that means we are highly sensitive also to our surroundings, and must focus more to know if it us or those around us.  I also think that for must of us, something in life has caused us to need to take control of our consciousness and provide beneficial self talk.  It is similar to what happens to a person who truly follows a 12-step program.  My addiction was the food that I tried to soothe the emotions with, and moving away from that state of being puts you on the road of self growth.  Yes, it is a long road, but that is a good thing.  The road is your life, always going somewhere.  And when a Bawhoie knocks me off, I have gotten much better at returning to my focus and the focus feels even better each time.

Another reason we do this, to give our self kudos, confidence.  Give some praise to yourself today for dusting yourself off and getting back on the road.  :-)

Two things a man should never be angry at: what he can help, and what he cannot help.

-Thomas Fuller

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