Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What do you want in 2013?

A friend asked me why I was so harsh in my last post, and why aren’t I writing about the things you would expect a personal trainer to write about. They really are a good friend and have my best interests at heart. I explained I did not think my post was harsh, I did not send it out with the intention of “get off your behind and do now, or you are toast – you die!”  It is a simple fact of life regarding which direction you are going. Two days after I wrote the post I saw a popular motivational utube short “TGIM”,  he emotionally talks about deciding what you want in 2013 and your will. It is a great piece, but there is one part he did have quite right. He said, “you can choose to stay where you are”.  This is a common thought and the point I wanted to make was, we cannot stay where we are, it goes against a natural principal of life. 

Why am I not writing about the things you would expect someone interested in exercise and fitness to write about? I am not going to write about how many exercises for what goals, or this benefit vs this benefit of exercise, because I believe the motivational self talk part is the most important part of making habitual life changes. That is the way I teach fitness. I have a different viewpoint because I did not come from a place of being physical all my life. It is easy to give a person the right workout for them, it becomes routine after a while.  The difficult part, the motivation, I can’t do for you, but I can tell you what has worked for me and help you to find what you really want, in 2013, and for the rest of your life.

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